Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Haven't written anything here in  yonks. I do plenty of writing on the interwubs but never became a regular blogger. It's kinda hard to write into a vacuum. There are so many damned bloggers out there that I'm a plankton in a very large ocean. However, I know that I'm going to want to track what's likely to be happening in my life in the coming year.

My disability has progressed to the point where I can no longer hold a regular job. That and the economic depression have conspired to push me out of my home in Berkeley. Disability doesn't pay enough for me to stay in the San Francisco Bay Area in the conditions I'd like so it's likely I'm moving back to my hometown. So after 20 years of living in the East Bay, I'll be moving back to the Los Angeles area. I have no friends remaining there so it will be nearly like starting from scratch as far as social networking. While a lot has changed there in 20 years, LA is still far behind the Bay Area when it comes to walkability, public transit, recycling, gardening, quality produce, cycling, and cheap cool freaksome activities.

For a couple weeks now I've been asking people as well as Googling to see what equivalent activities there are in LA so that I can take the sting out of the culture shock I know is coming. And I thought I should start blogging the whole process of rediscovering my hometown. So here goes.

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